It is nearly impossible to say how likely it is for your HOA board to allow or disallow artificial turf. We can however speculate. Experiences from other homeowners who have artificial turf in their backyards, however, suggest that artificial grass in an HOA is not a common occurrence. Many homeowners feel that if their neighbors install artificial turf it could hurt the value of their home.
So, how do you know if your HOA allows artificial turf? You can typically find this information in your HOA’s governing documents. If artificial grass is not included in the restrictions, you may be able to install artificial turf, but remember, artificial grass is still considered a form of landscaping.
It's possible that your HOA may require all home improvements to be approved by a board of directors or possibly a sub-committee.
If you have a health reason for installing artificial grass and are unable to afford a lawn service long-term then a reasonable HOA board may make an exception for you.
If artificial grass is your best option, you may need to petition the HOA board to make an exception for artificial turf. You may be able to do this by providing documentation that you are unable to take care of your own yard. Some illnesses that could impair your ability to take care of your yard could include:
● Lower Back Trouble
● Severe Allergies
● Plantar fasciitis
● Diabetes
It may seem like artificial turf in an HOA is a bad idea but it's not always that way. When installing artificial turf you will want to act professionally and show your HOA why an artificial lawn is the best possible option for you. You will need to show them your landscaping plans, which artificial grass you are using, the artificial turf cost, and any other information that would be useful to them. You also want to make sure you have an artificial lawn plan where your HOA can track progress over time.
● Pro tip: Request approval well before installing artificial turf, or else you'll have to request an exemption after artificial turf installation. This could get really messy and expensive if they don't cooperate with you.
● Pro tip #2: The artificial turf situation is one that can be handled with a simple yes or no. If artificial lawns are not prohibited in your HOA, you need to live by the rules either way- artificial lawns are landscaping, and as with any landscaping, artificial turf has to follow the guidelines of gardening.
When implementing artificial turf, you may not want to just tell your HOA board that artificial grass is the answer to all of your problems. You should also know what artificial turf can do for your lawn and give them some reasons why artificial grass would be good for them.
There are a few reasons why artificial turf looks better throughout the year. Artificial grass does not have to be watered as often as natural grass and artificial lawns can last for many years while natural lawns need watering, fertilizer, pest control, and may die off during winter months. Your HOA board should get excited at the possibility that your yard always looks green and well-kept.
Artificial turf is an unusual topic for the HOA board because it doesn't fall under what they typically discuss during a meeting. It's a fact that artificial lawns are more expensive than natural grass but there are also many advantages such as artificial grass requiring less maintenance and looking great year-round. Make sure that your HOA board is well educated about the advantages of artificial turf.
The typical process for speaking about an issue at an HOA board meeting includes filling out a speaker card, getting your issue approved by the Board, and following procedure. To fill out a speaker card, start by going to the back of the room and getting in line for the board. If there is no line, then it's alright to go up to the front of the room and get in line. Check-in with the person working desks if you don't know where to go next. They will have either a sign or a list of all speakers who are going up as well as their scheduled time slot marked on it.
Next, wait until your name is called and approach the podium. It's your time to make your case!
There is a lot of research that artificial lawns are a better option for homeowners but, just in case your HOAs doesn't see it this way, be prepared to present them with facts. The worst thing they can say is no if you're not upfront about artificial turf from the beginning.
Of course, if your heart is dead-set on installing artificial turf for your yard and your HOA board still won't allow it you do have a last resort. Becoming an HOA board member might sound like a tall order, but what other choice do you have? You can show your inner politician and run for your HOA board of directors.
Artificial turf, while a more expensive option than natural grass, in the beginning, can save you money over time. Artificial lawns require less maintenance and artificial lawns are easier to maintain because they don't need watering or fertilizing like natural grass does. For those that live in an HOA community with artificial turf restrictions, you may have to take some steps to convince your board to either change the policy or give you an exception; you should be golden as long as you follow these guidelines there should be no problem installing artificial turf.
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